Brow Lift

The eyebrows may be low due to genetic factors, whereas the weakening of the tissues with aging also causes the skin to loosen and therefore, the eyebrows to fall. Among the other factors that cause eyebrows to fall, we can count excessive weight loss, facial paralysis, or previous operations. For whatever reason, low eyebrows give a person a sad and tired expression. Correcting the position and shape of the eyebrows provides a dramatic change in the face area. To this end, brow lift procedures have become popular in recent years. A brow lift can be done alone or combined with temporal lift, forehead lift, upper eyelid aesthetics (blepharoplasty).

The Procedure

A quick examination is sufficient to decide whether the operation will be performed alone or combined with another procedure. The surgeon may recommend combining the surgery with the temporal lift considering the age and skin condition of the patient. It is necessary to perform a brow lift and upper eyelid surgery together if the patient has problems in the upper eyelid. If the sagging only exists in the outer corners of the eyebrows, the operation is performed alone.

Brow lift surgery is performed with an incision made through the scalp in the temple area. The surgical scar is not visible since the incision is hidden by the hair. Two methods, classical and endoscopic, are used in Brow lift procedures. The procedure for both methods is the same. The tissues under the eyebrow are hung on the muscles in the temple area with special surgical threads. There is no need to make another incision in the temple area when the brow lift procedure is combined with upper eyelid surgery. Eyebrow lifting can be performed by reaching the eyebrow through the incision made on the upper eyelid.

Brow Lift surgery can be performed with general anesthesia or sedation. It is possible to experience swelling, bruising, and tenderness in the operation area and around the eyes for one week after the operation. The patient can return to daily activities within the same day. The healing process is quick and painless. You may have difficulty moving your eyebrows for the first few days, but this is temporary. You should not wash the surgical area and use cosmetic products for a week after the procedure.