PRP Treatment for Hair

PRP treatment restores slowed cell regeneration with plasma obtained from the patient's blood. PRP treatment is used effectively against hair loss as well as skincare procedures.

How Is PRP Used in Hair Treatments?

Hair loss of more than 100-150 strands per day should be taken seriously. Untreated, excessive hair loss can lead to baldness in the future. PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma), which is successfully used in treatments such as skin rejuvenation, has been frequently preferred in hair treatment in recent years.

PRP is not a surgical hair transplant technique. It is suitable for both men and women. PRP treatment aims to strengthen the hair strands from the root. The part that will feed and develop the roots called the thrombocyte is separated from the blood and injected into the spilled area. People who have genetically thin and easily shed hair can have PRP and hair mesotherapy procedures combined. Patients can return to their social lives right after the treatment. After the doctor washes your hair at the end of the treatment, you are not supposed to use any cosmetic or chemical products on your hair for the next 6 hours.

Hair PRP treatment can also be performed as supporting and reinforcing the FUE hair transplantation method. Having PRP treatment after hair transplantation improves the adaptation of the scalp and hair follicles while helping the transplanted hair to be fed better. For the most efficient results, PRP treatment should be done within 20 days after hair transplantation. Thus, maximum efficiency is obtained from hair transplantation. In addition, PRP also speeds up the healing process.

Since PRP is a medical treatment, it cannot be expected to continue its effect for life. The effect of the treatment lasts for an average of 1 year. This period may be longer depending on hair care and nutrition. PRP application is applied more frequently in people who experience genetic hair loss.

For an effective result, PRP treatment requires 3 to 5 sessions over a period of 2-4 weeks. Although the treatment starts to show its effect immediately, the final result shows up after 3-4 weeks.